2024 News Archive
05/08/24 Winter Fuel Payments
Please see the following link for an update regarding Winter Fuel Payments from LLA. Additionally, there is also a petition by AGE UK - Save the Winter Fuel Payment for struggling pensioners (ageuk.org.uk)
Save the Winter Fuel Payment for struggling pensioners
Alan Lees (CEO NARPO)
Please see the following link for an update regarding Winter Fuel Payments from LLA. Additionally, there is also a petition by AGE UK - Save the Winter Fuel Payment for struggling pensioners (ageuk.org.uk)
Save the Winter Fuel Payment for struggling pensioners
Alan Lees (CEO NARPO)
02/08/24 Cadet Reunion - Intakes 1973 and 1974
Following the success of last year’s event, Tony Browett is arranging second reunion for his Cadet intake of September 1973. The venue will be the Santos Higham Farm on Wednesday 11th September from 1.00pm to 5.00pm.
Tony is eager to contact anyone who missed last year but also anyone from the 1974 Intake on what will be 50 years since they joined the Police Cadets. They are all welcome to attend. If you would like to attend what I know will be a great event Tony can be contacted on 07890 010966.
Ian Louch (Chair)
Following the success of last year’s event, Tony Browett is arranging second reunion for his Cadet intake of September 1973. The venue will be the Santos Higham Farm on Wednesday 11th September from 1.00pm to 5.00pm.
Tony is eager to contact anyone who missed last year but also anyone from the 1974 Intake on what will be 50 years since they joined the Police Cadets. They are all welcome to attend. If you would like to attend what I know will be a great event Tony can be contacted on 07890 010966.
Ian Louch (Chair)
01/08/24 Campaign for Medal Recognition for Injured UK Police Officers
Please see below Branch Circular which should be of interest to members and especially the injured on-duty members it affects.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
Branch Circular No 20/24
To: Members of the NEC All Branch Secretaries
Dear All,
Campaign Update – Injury on Duty Medals. July 2024
Following an article in NARPO News, Feb 24 below is an update in relation to the injury on duty medal campaign. The campaign has now grown, having received written expressions of support from the Police Federation for England and Wales and Police Federation for Northern Ireland. Further support has been shown from Unison, representing the ambulance service, with support also being anticipated from the Fire Brigade Union now that, if agreed by parliament the award is likely to encompass all emergency service workers.
Support for the campaign was shown by various MP’s including the former Policing Minister, Chris Philp and conservative MP and former Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Sir Roger Gale who continues to support the campaign.
However, considering the recent general election, the level of support to be offered by the new government is not clear at this stage. More detail in relation to the campaign can be found via the organisers Facebook page link below……..
Campaign for Medal Recognition for Injured UK Police Officers
Yours sincerely,
Steve Wilcock (Dep CEO NARPO)
Please see below Branch Circular which should be of interest to members and especially the injured on-duty members it affects.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
Branch Circular No 20/24
To: Members of the NEC All Branch Secretaries
Dear All,
Campaign Update – Injury on Duty Medals. July 2024
Following an article in NARPO News, Feb 24 below is an update in relation to the injury on duty medal campaign. The campaign has now grown, having received written expressions of support from the Police Federation for England and Wales and Police Federation for Northern Ireland. Further support has been shown from Unison, representing the ambulance service, with support also being anticipated from the Fire Brigade Union now that, if agreed by parliament the award is likely to encompass all emergency service workers.
Support for the campaign was shown by various MP’s including the former Policing Minister, Chris Philp and conservative MP and former Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Sir Roger Gale who continues to support the campaign.
However, considering the recent general election, the level of support to be offered by the new government is not clear at this stage. More detail in relation to the campaign can be found via the organisers Facebook page link below……..
Campaign for Medal Recognition for Injured UK Police Officers
Yours sincerely,
Steve Wilcock (Dep CEO NARPO)
12/06/24 PTSD Awareness Month
Please see below message which has been forwarded by NARPO HQ - Police Care UK are there for any officer or retired officer who may be suffering.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
As you may already be aware, June is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) awareness month and Police Care UK is highlighting that 1 in 5 police officers may live with a form of PTSD as a result of their policing role, so I’m writing to remind you that we’re here if someone you know may need us.
As well as vital research into Police PTSD and CPTSD, Police Care UK is the only national UK wide police charity delivering specialist trauma therapies and support to serving and former police officers, staff, volunteers, including their immediate families, who have been harmed as a result of their policing role.
Last year, 76% of those who came to us had a mental health concern, and of these, 52% had PTSD, CPTSD, or undiagnosed trauma.
For more information or practical help, visit; https://www.policecare.org.uk/ptsd/
I would invite you to consider registering for our newsletter, here; https://www.policecare.org.uk/
Dave Blundell (Engagement Officer Police Care UK)
Please see below message which has been forwarded by NARPO HQ - Police Care UK are there for any officer or retired officer who may be suffering.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
As you may already be aware, June is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) awareness month and Police Care UK is highlighting that 1 in 5 police officers may live with a form of PTSD as a result of their policing role, so I’m writing to remind you that we’re here if someone you know may need us.
As well as vital research into Police PTSD and CPTSD, Police Care UK is the only national UK wide police charity delivering specialist trauma therapies and support to serving and former police officers, staff, volunteers, including their immediate families, who have been harmed as a result of their policing role.
Last year, 76% of those who came to us had a mental health concern, and of these, 52% had PTSD, CPTSD, or undiagnosed trauma.
For more information or practical help, visit; https://www.policecare.org.uk/ptsd/
I would invite you to consider registering for our newsletter, here; https://www.policecare.org.uk/
Dave Blundell (Engagement Officer Police Care UK)
28/05/24 Dave Ashley - NARPO Life Membership
At our Dinner on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 at Morley Hays our former Chair Dave Ashley received a Life Membership of NARPO from our President, the Chief Constable of Derbyshire Rachel Swann QPM. This was to recognise the contribution Dave has made to our branch, especially during the last 5 years as Chair. Dave's commitment during this period has been integral in modernising the branch and broadening its appeal to all retired police officers throughout Derbyshire. He is to be congratulated on his achievements .
Ian Louch (Chair Derbyshire NARPO)
At our Dinner on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 at Morley Hays our former Chair Dave Ashley received a Life Membership of NARPO from our President, the Chief Constable of Derbyshire Rachel Swann QPM. This was to recognise the contribution Dave has made to our branch, especially during the last 5 years as Chair. Dave's commitment during this period has been integral in modernising the branch and broadening its appeal to all retired police officers throughout Derbyshire. He is to be congratulated on his achievements .
Ian Louch (Chair Derbyshire NARPO)
28/05/24 Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery for May
There was only one member in the Draw for the Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery for May. The member is D.Smith. Our congratulations to him/her.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
There was only one member in the Draw for the Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery for May. The member is D.Smith. Our congratulations to him/her.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
23/05/24 McCloud - NPCC update
Please see the below update from the NPCC
As a result of the General Election being called for the 4 July 2024, we need to let our stakeholders know that the Government is unable to take forward and make any decision or any public statements from now up to the date of the election. This period is known as ‘purdah’.
This is disappointing for police pensions as we have been in dialogue with HMT, HMRC and the Home Office about two specific technical issues around taxation on interest and unauthorised payments and had almost reached a point of resolution.
We will be continuing discussions, but these will have to be behind the scenes, and wait for ministers to be in place before any new decisions can be made. It also now unfortunately means that the outcomes and processes that we thought we might have in place are now not guaranteed and the potential resolution dates are unknown.
In the meantime, we will be speaking directly to the Pension Administrators and Scheme Managers to identify some specific cohorts that may be able to be processed. We will continue to work on a potential ‘plan B’ which we will need to seek some legal assurance on before proceeding. More details on these will follow shortly
This, and other information and updates, are on our website- https://narpo.org/pensions-challenge-update/
Alan Lees (CEO NARPO)
Please see the below update from the NPCC
As a result of the General Election being called for the 4 July 2024, we need to let our stakeholders know that the Government is unable to take forward and make any decision or any public statements from now up to the date of the election. This period is known as ‘purdah’.
This is disappointing for police pensions as we have been in dialogue with HMT, HMRC and the Home Office about two specific technical issues around taxation on interest and unauthorised payments and had almost reached a point of resolution.
We will be continuing discussions, but these will have to be behind the scenes, and wait for ministers to be in place before any new decisions can be made. It also now unfortunately means that the outcomes and processes that we thought we might have in place are now not guaranteed and the potential resolution dates are unknown.
In the meantime, we will be speaking directly to the Pension Administrators and Scheme Managers to identify some specific cohorts that may be able to be processed. We will continue to work on a potential ‘plan B’ which we will need to seek some legal assurance on before proceeding. More details on these will follow shortly
This, and other information and updates, are on our website- https://narpo.org/pensions-challenge-update/
Alan Lees (CEO NARPO)
17/05/24 Derbyshire NARPO Chair
At our AGM Sunday 12th May 2024 I was pleased to accept the position of Chair of the Derbyshire Branch of NARPO.
I initially got involved with NARPO to be a voice for those of us who at that time hadn’t been retired for long and who thought NARPO wasn’t relevant to them. I introduced the Facebook page which I hope you will agree, has been a success in improving communication with members who use social media and I have been working with our committee to modernize the branch.
It has always been my belief that NARPO should be relevant to all retired Police Officers, Police widows and widowers and as such we should provide a varied selection of events that would be of interest to the whole membership.
As Chair my aims will be:-
To continue to increase NARPO membership. I believe that being a member of NARPO should be as important as being a member of the Police Federation when you are serving.
To continually review what we do and offer with a view to increasing the support and participation of members. I would appreciate any ideas you may have.
To expand our welfare support. One of the fundamental reasons for the existence of NARPO is the welfare of its members. Many will go through retirement with no such needs whilst others will, on occasions need support. As a branch with the help of our membership we need to identify former colleagues who may be in need for a number of reasons and offer our support. This may be from coordinating assistance with transport to visit a relative in hospital, going for a walk with them or providing help via referral for specialist intervention. With the support of the branch I would also like to introduce a system where older and possibly lonely members are contacted or visited on a regular basis.
I am excited to take on this role and would like to take this opportunity to thank Dave Ashley for his contribution as Chair for the last 5 years and the rest of the committee for their support. I look forward to continuing Dave’s great work in taking the branch forward.
Ian Louch (Chair Derbyshire NARPO)
At our AGM Sunday 12th May 2024 I was pleased to accept the position of Chair of the Derbyshire Branch of NARPO.
I initially got involved with NARPO to be a voice for those of us who at that time hadn’t been retired for long and who thought NARPO wasn’t relevant to them. I introduced the Facebook page which I hope you will agree, has been a success in improving communication with members who use social media and I have been working with our committee to modernize the branch.
It has always been my belief that NARPO should be relevant to all retired Police Officers, Police widows and widowers and as such we should provide a varied selection of events that would be of interest to the whole membership.
As Chair my aims will be:-
To continue to increase NARPO membership. I believe that being a member of NARPO should be as important as being a member of the Police Federation when you are serving.
To continually review what we do and offer with a view to increasing the support and participation of members. I would appreciate any ideas you may have.
To expand our welfare support. One of the fundamental reasons for the existence of NARPO is the welfare of its members. Many will go through retirement with no such needs whilst others will, on occasions need support. As a branch with the help of our membership we need to identify former colleagues who may be in need for a number of reasons and offer our support. This may be from coordinating assistance with transport to visit a relative in hospital, going for a walk with them or providing help via referral for specialist intervention. With the support of the branch I would also like to introduce a system where older and possibly lonely members are contacted or visited on a regular basis.
I am excited to take on this role and would like to take this opportunity to thank Dave Ashley for his contribution as Chair for the last 5 years and the rest of the committee for their support. I look forward to continuing Dave’s great work in taking the branch forward.
Ian Louch (Chair Derbyshire NARPO)
17/05/24 Survivor Pension Campaign
Please see below from Steve Wilcock in relation to the above.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
For your information, please see copies below of links on the NARPO website in relation to work around our survivor pension campaign.
Can all members please be made aware of the links and encouraged to view and make use of the attached letter to raise awareness of our campaign with their respective MP’s.
Thanks in advance for your support.
NARPO Members letter to MP: Widows Pension
Steve Wilcock (Dep CEO NARPO)
Please see below from Steve Wilcock in relation to the above.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
For your information, please see copies below of links on the NARPO website in relation to work around our survivor pension campaign.
Can all members please be made aware of the links and encouraged to view and make use of the attached letter to raise awareness of our campaign with their respective MP’s.
Thanks in advance for your support.
NARPO Members letter to MP: Widows Pension
Steve Wilcock (Dep CEO NARPO)
09/05/24 Accommodation Offer at The Chesterfield Guest House, Torquay
Please see below and attached which may be of interest to members visiting Torquay
Angela Calvert (NARPO Admin)
Good afternoon,We own The Chesterfield Guest House located on Belgrave Road in Torquay and have recently taken bookings from those attending the annual police conference at the English Riviera International Centre in September. We've always found that weekends are particularly enjoyable when we have a group of guests sharing common interests or attending the same event. In support of this upcoming conference, we're delighted to offer a special discount code, NARPO15, which provides a 15% discount on any bookings made through www.thechesterfield.net for September 2024. Please feel free to share this code with any attendees in need of accommodation.
Attached, you'll find a leaflet containing more information about our guest house. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
All the best,
Amanda and Dan
Please see below and attached which may be of interest to members visiting Torquay
Angela Calvert (NARPO Admin)
Good afternoon,We own The Chesterfield Guest House located on Belgrave Road in Torquay and have recently taken bookings from those attending the annual police conference at the English Riviera International Centre in September. We've always found that weekends are particularly enjoyable when we have a group of guests sharing common interests or attending the same event. In support of this upcoming conference, we're delighted to offer a special discount code, NARPO15, which provides a 15% discount on any bookings made through www.thechesterfield.net for September 2024. Please feel free to share this code with any attendees in need of accommodation.
Attached, you'll find a leaflet containing more information about our guest house. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
All the best,
Amanda and Dan
07/05/24 Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery - April Draw
The following members were winners in the Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery Draw for April. K Twigg and P Wilson. Our congratulations to them.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
The following members were winners in the Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery Draw for April. K Twigg and P Wilson. Our congratulations to them.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
03/04/24 Thursday May 23rd 2024 - 1960's Cadets Reunion (Repeat)
Following a successful reunion in 2022 this will be a repeat get-together of former Derbyshire police cadets of the 1960's.
Venue: Chesterfield Golf Club, starting at 12 noon
There will be a buffet (catering for any special dietary needs) teas & coffees and a 60's quiz.
Cost £13 to include £1 for quiz prize and tips for staff.
The golf club bar will be open.
Those wishing to attend please contact Mick McElhinney if they haven't already done so, at [email protected]
Following a successful reunion in 2022 this will be a repeat get-together of former Derbyshire police cadets of the 1960's.
Venue: Chesterfield Golf Club, starting at 12 noon
There will be a buffet (catering for any special dietary needs) teas & coffees and a 60's quiz.
Cost £13 to include £1 for quiz prize and tips for staff.
The golf club bar will be open.
Those wishing to attend please contact Mick McElhinney if they haven't already done so, at [email protected]
03/04/24 Sports Club Lottery Draw for March 2024
The following members were lucky winners in the Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery Draw for March 2024: T. Gregory, P. Russell, B. McKeown and R. Oldknow. Our congratulations to them.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
The following members were lucky winners in the Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery Draw for March 2024: T. Gregory, P. Russell, B. McKeown and R. Oldknow. Our congratulations to them.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
11/03/24 PTC Bed & Breakfast late availability
Please see below message which may be of interest.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
Good morning,
Please can you share with your members that The Police Treatment Centres still has rooms available for this year at great rates. Late availability and last few rooms for the end of March / April in time for an Easter / Spring break. Follow the link to our website to check availability and book your room now. B and B (thepolicetreatmentcentres.org)
We accept group bookings and can give details of local Golf Courses where you can receive discounts. Both Harrogate and Auchterarder are great areas to explore. Anything from a trip to Bettys and Harlow Carr to local Distillery tours.
In Scotland we also have self-catering cottages to hire that are dog friendly and can sleep up to 5 guests. To find out more call 01764 664369.
We look forward to welcoming you soon for your break away.
Many thanks
Lisa Eastwood
Donor Engagement Officer
Please see below message which may be of interest.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
Good morning,
Please can you share with your members that The Police Treatment Centres still has rooms available for this year at great rates. Late availability and last few rooms for the end of March / April in time for an Easter / Spring break. Follow the link to our website to check availability and book your room now. B and B (thepolicetreatmentcentres.org)
We accept group bookings and can give details of local Golf Courses where you can receive discounts. Both Harrogate and Auchterarder are great areas to explore. Anything from a trip to Bettys and Harlow Carr to local Distillery tours.
In Scotland we also have self-catering cottages to hire that are dog friendly and can sleep up to 5 guests. To find out more call 01764 664369.
We look forward to welcoming you soon for your break away.
Many thanks
Lisa Eastwood
Donor Engagement Officer
09/03/24 Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery Results February 2024
The following retired members were lucky winners in the February Draw of the Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery: A. Mason, B. Allen, P. Housley, D. Abbott, R. Walker K. McGonigle P Clay and M. Clowes. Our congratulations to them.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
The following retired members were lucky winners in the February Draw of the Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery: A. Mason, B. Allen, P. Housley, D. Abbott, R. Walker K. McGonigle P Clay and M. Clowes. Our congratulations to them.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
04/03/24 Police Mutual Update
Dear All
For the information of members who are with the Police Mutual - please see the attached update regarding the sale of Police Mutual.
This is also on our website and on PM website - https://www.policemutual.co.uk/about-us/news-and-blog/articles/march-2024/royal-london-confirms-sale-of-police-mutual-healthcare-and-police-mutual-general-insurance-businesses-to-bspoke-group/
Alan Lees (CEO NARPO)
Dear All
For the information of members who are with the Police Mutual - please see the attached update regarding the sale of Police Mutual.
This is also on our website and on PM website - https://www.policemutual.co.uk/about-us/news-and-blog/articles/march-2024/royal-london-confirms-sale-of-police-mutual-healthcare-and-police-mutual-general-insurance-businesses-to-bspoke-group/
Alan Lees (CEO NARPO)
14/02/24 Pension Scheme Sanction Charge
The below message was received from Debbie Harrington at Force HQ today to reassure members that these charges are absorbed by the Force and not passed on to members of the pension scheme.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
Recently I have received several queries from retired scheme members about scheme sanction charges arising out of unauthorised payments from the pension scheme on retirement. I believe the sudden influx of queries from retired members may arise out of the below NARPO circular which is regularly quoted in the correspondence we receive.
I’d like to reassure you that Derbyshire has never passed on scheme sanction charges to members in these circumstances. They are absorbed by the Force.
Debbie Harrington (Derbyshire Force HQ)
Dear All
Some Branch Secretaries have contacted HQ regarding information being circulated by their Members and on social media concerning Scheme Sanction Charges
I contacted and met with Clair Alcock, Head of Police Pensions for National Police Chiefs’ Council to discuss this issue and to understand the background with regards to the charge being implemented.
The Scheme Sanction Charge is a charge related to an unauthorised payment. An unauthorised payment happens when a commutation lump sum is above the Pension Commencement Lump Sum (PCLS) threshold. Unauthorised payments have been happening since 2011 when commutation factors rose and the size of the lump sum increased.
There is a member charge of 40% of the unauthorised payment, and a 15% charge known as scheme sanction charge, which should be paid by the scheme, but some scheme managers have been passing this charge to the member.
Retired officers who paid tax on their commutation should have received information from the Force. In that information it would state if a Scheme Sanction Charge had been applied.
NARPO’s advice is for Members who have had a Scheme Sanction Charge applied should contact their Force Scheme Manager, the Chief Constable or Commissioner, not the Pension Administrator, to ask for the Charge to be repaid.
This information is also on our website- https://narpo.org/pensions-challenge-update/
Please see here for background to this issue.
Alan Lees (CEO NARPO)
The below message was received from Debbie Harrington at Force HQ today to reassure members that these charges are absorbed by the Force and not passed on to members of the pension scheme.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
Recently I have received several queries from retired scheme members about scheme sanction charges arising out of unauthorised payments from the pension scheme on retirement. I believe the sudden influx of queries from retired members may arise out of the below NARPO circular which is regularly quoted in the correspondence we receive.
I’d like to reassure you that Derbyshire has never passed on scheme sanction charges to members in these circumstances. They are absorbed by the Force.
Debbie Harrington (Derbyshire Force HQ)
Dear All
Some Branch Secretaries have contacted HQ regarding information being circulated by their Members and on social media concerning Scheme Sanction Charges
I contacted and met with Clair Alcock, Head of Police Pensions for National Police Chiefs’ Council to discuss this issue and to understand the background with regards to the charge being implemented.
The Scheme Sanction Charge is a charge related to an unauthorised payment. An unauthorised payment happens when a commutation lump sum is above the Pension Commencement Lump Sum (PCLS) threshold. Unauthorised payments have been happening since 2011 when commutation factors rose and the size of the lump sum increased.
There is a member charge of 40% of the unauthorised payment, and a 15% charge known as scheme sanction charge, which should be paid by the scheme, but some scheme managers have been passing this charge to the member.
Retired officers who paid tax on their commutation should have received information from the Force. In that information it would state if a Scheme Sanction Charge had been applied.
NARPO’s advice is for Members who have had a Scheme Sanction Charge applied should contact their Force Scheme Manager, the Chief Constable or Commissioner, not the Pension Administrator, to ask for the Charge to be repaid.
This information is also on our website- https://narpo.org/pensions-challenge-update/
Please see here for background to this issue.
Alan Lees (CEO NARPO)
30/01/24 January Lottery Draw
The following retired members were lucky winners in the January Draw of the Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery: M Cousins, L Matthews, D Peat, L Caudwell, A Hainsworth and D Lukajic. Our congratulations to them.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
The following retired members were lucky winners in the January Draw of the Derbyshire Sports Club Lottery: M Cousins, L Matthews, D Peat, L Caudwell, A Hainsworth and D Lukajic. Our congratulations to them.
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
11/01/24 Bereavement Support Payment
The following information may be of interest to Members.
On 9th February 2023, the law changed, extending Bereavement Support Payments to cohabiting partners (provided the claimant has a child or children)
This was in the May 2023 edition of NARPO News.
People who are eligible must apply by 9th February 2024 to get the full amount of backdated payments. They can still apply up until 8 November 2024, but will not get the full amount.
There is more information on the following links- https://www.gov.uk/bereavement-support-payment/eligibility
Alan Lees (CEO NARPO)
The following information may be of interest to Members.
On 9th February 2023, the law changed, extending Bereavement Support Payments to cohabiting partners (provided the claimant has a child or children)
This was in the May 2023 edition of NARPO News.
People who are eligible must apply by 9th February 2024 to get the full amount of backdated payments. They can still apply up until 8 November 2024, but will not get the full amount.
There is more information on the following links- https://www.gov.uk/bereavement-support-payment/eligibility
Alan Lees (CEO NARPO)
10/01/24 NARPO & Wendy WU Tours - Gold Partner - Exclusive NARPO member discount
Wendy Wu Tours are a GOLD PARTNER OF NARPO and offer members an exclusive member discount of 5% above any other offers when booking directly with them. Further information can be seen on NARPO website
Sean Murphy (Secretary)
Wendy Wu Tours are a GOLD PARTNER OF NARPO and offer members an exclusive member discount of 5% above any other offers when booking directly with them. Further information can be seen on NARPO website
Sean Murphy (Secretary)